Payment Options

  • Breakfast

    A full breakfast includes one entree, one juice, one fruit, and one milk.

    Full pay - $1.75
    Free and Reduced - no charge


    A full lunch includes one entree, two fruits, two vegetables, and one milk.

    Full pay - $2.75
    Free and Reduced - no charge

    Free and Reduced Meals

    Free & reduced applications are available now. Everyone needs to reapply every year. To ensure your status continues, please complete the online application.

    5 Reasons for Completing Free & Reduced Applications


    Check your student's account or add money at any time. When adding money to your student's account be sure to add it to the correct account. The meal account will allow the student to only receive one meal per day. The general account will allow students to purchase extra entrees, sides, and water.
    Need a refund?  Visit the School Nutrition website.

    Charge Policy

    High school students will be allowed to charge up to $4.50. Charges are not allowed for supplemental or ala carte items.

    A charge notice will be completed for each occurrence and notification will be sent home to the parent/guardian through the student. Additionally, once the charge limit has been met, the parent/guardian will be notified by the local school via email. A charge list will be provided to the Principal at the end of every month and upon request. The charge policy will be communicated to parents/students via student handbooks, SNP & local school websites, and letters.

Allergy Procedures

  • If your child is lactose intolerant and needs to replace their milk with juice or water, then a note must be on file in the cafeteria in order for us to be able to comply.  You may send this by email to

    If your child has ANY medical food allergies that we need to be aware of, you will need to issue a note from your child’s medical physician in order for us to comply. These notes MUST be turned in to the clinic so that they can be documented and put on your child’s record.  

Additional Information


  • Using the Nutislice website, you can easily view information about what is on the student menu for breakfast and lunch each day. You can see an image and description for food items, as well as nutrition and carbohydrate information. This information is also available on the Nutrislice mobile app so you can get information where you need it, when you need it! The innovative and interactive site makes the Grayson HS menus more convenient and informative than ever before.Visit the Nutrislice website to find out more!

  • Farm to School flyer