Final Exams

  • Final Exams = 20% of the overall student's grade in the course

    Cumulative final exams will be given the last three days of each semester. We ask that you avoid scheduling appointments during the final days of the semester because of review for and administration of the final exams. Exams will not be given early. Students will not be permitted to check out during an exam period. If a student misses an exam, the exam can be made up based on the scheduled time allowed.  

    For each of our classes, students will complete a Performance Exam as well as an objective exam. This performance exam counts as a portion of their Final Exam grade. Please contact your teacher if you have any questions. 

Graduating Seniors

  • Graduating Seniors will take their Objective Final Exams on May 8th, 9th and 10th if they are not exempting them. As a reminder, any Honor Graduate or any student that has an A in their class (AP classes should include the 10 points to determine if the student has an A) are eligible to exempt from the objective exam.
    For seniors not exempting, they will take their finals following the schedule below:
    • Wednesday, May 8 - 1st, 4th, and 5th period exams
    • Thursday, May 9th - 2nd and 6th period exams
    • Friday, May 10th - 3rd and 7th period exams
    The school's bell schedule will not be altered on these days for the exams. 

Grades 9 - 11

  • Friday, May 17 - 1st (7:15 - 9:15 a.m.) and 7th period exams (12:10 - 2:10 p.m.).  This is a full school day with a slightly altered schedule for exams.

    On May 20 - 22, students will be released at 11:45 a.m.  The first block of exams is from 7:15 - 9:25 a.m. and the second block of exams is from 9:35 - 11:45 a.m.

    Monday, May 20 - 2nd period and 4th period exams

    Tuesday, May 21 - 3rd and 6th period exams

    Wednesday, May 22 - 5th period exams and a makeup block following that for any students who missed an exam

  • Students with Grayson Tech, Maxwell, or Work Based Learning classes should not be on campus unless they are taking a final exam.  Students who have Advisement during a final exam block are not required to attend during that block IF they have transportation to and from Grayson High School.