• What is JLC?

    Middle school can be a challenging time for students. Having the  right tools and resources is important in helping them find their  path and be successful in the future. The mission of Gwinnett County  Public Schools' Junior Leadership Corps program is to influence  students to be motivated to achieve their academic goals and to be  successful, productive leaders who make a difference in their  communities.

    Junior Leadership Corps is a two year Connections course offered to seventh and eighth grade students. We have also just launched the program for sixth grade students who will rotate through on a nine weeks basis to see if the program will be a good fit for them in the future. Lessons are designed to enhance students' leadership skills including: time and money management, goal setting, healthy relationships, working with groups, health and physical fitness, community service initiatives, and leadership in a diverse world. In addition to the JLC curriculum, students are required to wear the JLC uniform one day a week, participate in drill  and ceremony training, and perform ten hours of community service each semester.

    JLC grew out of a joint vision between the U.S. Army and the National Association of State Boards of Education (NASBE) as a result of their mutual interest in graduating successful, productive leaders.

    Gwinnett County Public Schools was one of only six pilot sites in the  United States approved in August, 2011 for implementation in January, 2011. Within the Gwinnett County Public Schools, Summerour Middle  School and Pinckneyville Middle School were selected as pilot sites for Junior Leadership Corps at the middle school level. We are so  very excited to be pioneers in this program. The program continues to  grow within Gwinnett County and the goal is the successful implementation into every Middle School in Gwinnett County.

  • JLC in the Community

    Besides being productive and winning awards competitions, JLC is also very much involved in the Norcross and metro-Atlanta communities. From canned goods drives to parades, JLC is visible in the community and is making a difference for many. JLC works hard to honor our service men and women.

    We participate regularly in:

    • Annual Veteran's Day Celebrations
    • Parades
    • Canned Food Drives
    • Service to Summerour at Events

JLC Group Picture
JLC at Fort Benning
JLC student pointing at helicopter
JLC at Fort Benning