Title I

  • Welcome to the 2024-2025 school year!

    We look forward to providing you with valuable information about Grace Snell's Title I program and how it benefits our students and their families. If you have any questions, please contact Layla Bell (Assistant Principal for Title I) or Cristina Rivera (Parent Outreach Liaison).

    For your convenience, Grace Snell's Title I Schoolwide Plan may be reviewed in the front office, Media Center, and Parent Center.

    Parent Center

    Grace Snell's Parent Center is located just inside the main entrance of the school.

    Parent Center phone: (770) 554-7754

    Hours: 9:00AM-4:00PM Monday through Friday

    Parent Outreach Liaison 

    Cristina Rivera


    School Phone

    Main Office: (770) 554-7750

    Fax: (770) 554-7749


    Click here to view GCPS Family and Community Engagement Plan 


Family and Community Engagement Plan Video - English Version

Family and Community Engagement Plan Video - Spanish Version

  • Parents' Right to Know

    Parents have the right to request information about the degree and qualifications of their child's teacher(s) and paraprofessional(s), if applicable.  Please refer to the GCPS Student-Parent Handbook or contact your school's principal for more information. 

    SPANISH  / ESPAÑOL: Los padres tienen derecho a solicitar información sobre el título y las calificaciones del maestro(s) y paraprofessional(es) de su hijo, si corresponde.  Consulte el Manual para Padres y Estudiantes de GCPS o comuníquese con el Director de su escuela para obtener más información.