• Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports Program 

  • Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS) is an evidence-based, data-driven framework proven to reduce disciplinary incidents, increase a school’s sense of safety and support improved academic outcomes. More than 16,000 U.S. schools are implementing PBIS. The premise of PBIS is that continual teaching, combined with acknowledgement or feedback of positive student behavior will reduce unnecessary discipline and promote a climate of greater productivity, safety, and learning.

    We are reinforcing positive behaviors. We also employ a positive approach to discipline. When a consequence is given, it is used as a teaching opportunity. The consequences are always reasonable. We also try to relate the consequence to the problem behavior. We provide opportunities to reinforce expectations and teach proper behavior using modeling and practice. The language used is stated in positive, observable terms. Rather than using "No" and "Don't" language we communicate what we want to see paired with modeling by the adult. 

    As a staff, we have described how these expectations play out in the classroom, cafeteria, hallway, restroom, playground, and on the bus on our school wide PBIS matrix. Copies of the full matrix and specific columns from the matrix can be found posted across our building. ***See Note 1.1 Below 

  • The successful implementation of PBIS has helped to unify our school around a common set of expectations. We are all using the same vocabulary when discussing how students should behave. Our school community continues to support each other as we collaborate with our entire school community to raise our students to not only be smart, but to also be good people.  

    When students meet the PRIDE Expectations, they are rewarded with STAR TICKETS. Star Tickets can be used in the GENERALS’ School Store to purchase privileges and incentives. Students have an opportunity to participate in the school store during our PBIS FUN FRIDAY EVENTS.

  • Newsletters

  • Students at Centerville Elementary School know that we expect them to show 5-Star General PRIDE: 



    P – I am prepared. 

    R – I am respectful. 

    I – I have integrity. 

    D - I am disciplined. 

    E – I am engaged. 

  • The Fun Friday events include the following activities for each grade level: 


    Movie and Snacks  

    Extra Playground Time 

    Dance Parties 

    Art Projects 

    Generals’ School Store 

If you are having trouble viewing the document, you may download the document.
  • We are reinforcing positive behaviors. We also employ a positive approach to discipline. When a consequence is given, it is used as a teaching opportunity. The consequences are always reasonable. We also try to relate the consequence to the problem behavior. We provide opportunities to reinforce expectations and teach proper behavior using modeling and practice. The language used is stated in positive, observable terms. Rather than using "No" and "Don't" language we communicate what we want to see paired with modeling by the adult. A few examples of consequences given for minor behavior infractions are listed below: 

          • Quiet time in the Calming Corner (located in the classroom) 

      • Time out in a Buddy Teacher’s Classroom (a neighboring teacher’s Calming Corner) 

      • Navigate 360 Lessons (lessons related to behavior) 

      • Quiet time during the lunch period 

      • Reflective time with the PBIS Support Personnel or School Counselor 

      • Loss of Item/Privilege 

      • Verbal reminder of expectation, procedure, or rule 


    All Gwinnett County Public Schools participate in PBIS.