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The Gwinnett county public schools (GCPS) school calendar includes two make‐up days to address school days missed due to inclement weather. In addition to these days, GCPS also has the option of making up days missed due to inclement weather using digital learning days. should a decision be made to cancel school, students, parents, and staff will be notified via schoolmessenger of the closing and if the day is a digital learning day.
COVID-19 DLD details
As a reminder, our eCLASS provider D2L is used by K12 and higher education institutions across the country and throughout the world. We anticipate that we could experience some slowness in our tool as usage everywhere increases.
Students will be completing activities for their homeroom teacher, Special Areas teachers, and support teachers.
If you have multiple students attending Gwin Oaks Elementary, each student is expected to participate.
This means each student will need to log into his or her Student Portal/My eCLASS page individually. -
Any school closure will be communicated using SchoolMessenger, social media, the GCPS website, and local news outlets. In the event that a school closure is necessary, the district could opt to hold a Digital Learning Day rather than using a snow make-up day. If the decision is made to hold a Digital Learning Day, it will be communicated as noted above, and the school and district processes for online learning will go into effect. If a decision is made to use a standard make-up day, students and staff will not be expected to access assignments online.
You are also welcome to email your child's teacher if you have any trouble.
How do students login?
Visit the eCLASS login page to access the My eCLASS Student Portal.
User ID = student ID number
Password = please contact the teacher if the student is unable to remember their passwordPlease follow these directions to get to the Student Portal and to your teacher's eCLASS page.
Once on your teacher's page, please look for the following icon to get to the day's digital learning activities.
Additional Info
Students will use the My eCLASS Student Portal to log into their eCLASS pages where they will access assignments, resources, and other materials.
If the power is out, a student may access the teacher’s eCLASS page when power returns.
If a student does not have access to a computer or device (tablet, smartphone, etc.), the student can get one checked out to them by contacting the front office. Student work will be expected to be turned in to the teacher (either digitally or in-person).
Directions & How-TO Videos