• Cafeteria

Cafeteria Information

  • Procedures for Visitors: 

    Please check the schedule on the right before arrival.
    We welcome parents to join their students for lunch and we ask that you please adhere to the following procedures while in the building. 



    • Upon arrival, you must check-in at the reception desk in the front lobby.  You will receive a YELLOW sticker that must be worn visibly while in the school building.
    • Prior to leaving the building, please check-out.


    • Parent tables are located in the hall outside the cafeteria. Parents may also choose to eat at the courtyard tables.  Due to limited seating, please refrain from sitting at your student’s class table.
    • Only your student may accompany you.


    • Store bought treats brought in for the class should be pre-arranged with your child’s teacher and may only be shared with your child’s class during their lunchtime.
    • Please be aware of allergy restrictions in your child’s class when selecting treats.
    • Gwin Oaks will not supply or allow knives into the school building. Please pre-cut items or provide single-serve items.
    • Please refrain from bringing balloons, party favors, etc.

    Visitors During Testing

    Due to changes in schedules, please refrain from visiting for lunch during testing administrations.  These dates will be published on the Gwin Oaks website, newsletter, and Facebook page.

Meal Prices


    Student Breakfast
    Full Price $1.75
    Reduced Price (fill out Free/Reduced Application)
    Student Lunch
    Full Price $2.50
    Reduced Price (fill out Free/Reduced Application)  

    A LA Carte
    Dasani Water - $1.25
    Envy Sparkling Juice - $1.50

    Baked Chips - $1.00
    Cookie - $0.50
    Doritos - $1.00
    Fruit Snacks - $1.00
    Popcorn - $1.00
    Rice Krispie Treats - $1.00


    Breakfast $2.50
    Lunch $4.00

    Al a Carte
    Entre- $3.00
    Side- $.60
    Iced Tea- $.35
    Lemonade- $.35

  • Click the images below to access additional Cafeteria Resources.

    Gwin Oaks meal menus

    my payments plus

    Free & Reduced Lunch application

    Gwinnett Cafe




  •  This institution is an equal opportunity provider.