• Stay Connected

  • Mighty Oak Newsletter

    Click Here for the current Mighty Oak

  • ParentSquare

    ParentSquare Title and Logo

    ParentSquare is a unified communications platform designed to keep parents and guardians informed and encourage greater engagement and connection with your child’s school and Gwinnett County Public Schools.  

    ParentSquare provides a safe way for district administrators, school principals, teachers, staff, and parents to receive and send information, such as: 

    • Weather-related closings & delays  
    • School and class information 
    • Share pictures and files 
    • See calendar items 
    • Upcoming class activities 

    For more support or directions, please go to the ParentSquare Website.

  • Parent Portal

    The Gwinnett Parent Portal is the go-to source for information about your child and his or her key school information. You can access this information safely and securely, anytime from anyplace from your Parent Portal.

    Parent Portal

  • eCLASS

    eCLASS is Gwinnett's Digital Content, Learning, Assessment and Support System that is providing the district an integrated learning management system to enhance student engagement and the learning process.  It's a multi-year initiative that is providing students and teachers with the digital tools they need to expand the walls of the classroom, foster collaboration, and nurture creativity.


  • GCPS News

    GCPS News Bringing you updates, news, and happenings from across the school district.


  • Address:
    400 Gwin Oaks Drive
    Lawrenceville, GA

    Phone: 770-972-3110
    Fax: 770-982-6901

    Email Us
    Office Hours:
    7:00 AM through 4:00 PM
