Brookwood Elementary School
Believing. Achieving. Leading. Exceeding.
- Brookwood ES
- Update ParentVue
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Update Your Student's Contact Information
Brookwood Elementary teachers and staff use the contact information on ParentVue to contact you about your student. Please help us be able to best reach you by keeping your contact information up-to-date.
Updating Your Contact Information
If you have a change in address, phone number, or email address, these changes must be made by school staff. Please call the school (770-736-4360) or email your student's teacher to make the necessary changes.
Updating Emergency Contact Information
Please also make sure the emergency contact information within ParentVue is kept current. This information is used if we are unable to contact the parent when their child is sick and unable to stay at school or in another emergency. The directions below will guide you in how to update these contacts. You must complete these steps for each student you have enrolled in Gwinnett County Public Schools.