- Freeman's Mill ES
- Supply List
Supply Lists
Click the appropriate grade level below to see a list of supplies. Individual teachers may request additional items at the start of the school year. Supplies are voluntary.
Supply List
3 PLASTIC 2-pocket folders with brads (1 red, 1 blue, 1 yellow)
4-6 glue sticks
4 boxes of Crayola crayons
2 packages of black dry erase markers
1 package of Crayola markers
3 reams of white copy/computer paper
1 pair of headphones labeled w/child’s name (no earbuds)
1 Bookbag large enough for a folder & winter coat (no wheels)
2 rolls of paper towels
1 box of gallon-sized Ziploc bags
1 box of quart-sized Ziploc bags
KG teachers would also appreciate the following donations: Sharpie markers, band-aids, Play-Doh, highlighters
1st Grade
2 boxes of Kleenex
2 black & white composition notebooks
3 dozen #2 pencils (some sharpened) - Ticonderoga preferred
3 plastic folders with brads & pockets (1 red, 1 blue,1 yellow)
8 Expo black dry erase markers
12 glue sticks
1 pair of student scissors
2 boxes of 24 count Crayola crayons
1 pack of Crayola washable markers
3 reams of white copy paper
1 set of headphones (no earbuds please)
1 pack of highlighters
Boys: 1 package of small Dixie cups & gallon-sized Ziploc bags
Girls: 1 package of Clorox wipes & quart-sized Ziploc bags
1st grade teachers would appreciate any donations of index cards and band-aids
2nd Grade
2 family-sized boxes of Kleenex tissues
4 composition notebooks (not spiral, 1 black, 1 blue, 1 red, 1 yellow)
2 boxes of sharpened pencils (48 total) #2 yellow only
1 pair of scissors (school & age appropriate)
12 glue sticks
2 boxes of 24 crayons
1 package wide-ruled notebook paper
1 pack of highlighters
4 pack of black Expo dry erase markers
4 plastic 2 pocket folder with brads (red, blue, yellow, green)
3 reams of white copy paper
1 school/pencil zipper pouch
1 set of headphones (no earbuds)
Girls: 1 box quart-sized Ziploc bags
Boys: 1 box gallon-sized Ziploc bags
3rd Grade
2 inch 3 ring binder with clear cover
3-ring zippered pencil pouch
Red plastic 2-pocket folder WITH BRADS in the center
1 composition notebook w/ WIDE ruled paper, any color
1 pack of 5 subject plastic dividers with pockets
1 pack of thin Expo dry erase markers (4 or more), any color
3 dozen #2 pencils (Ticonderoga brand preferred)
1 box of Crayola colored pencils or markers
1 pair of kid scissors
2 boxes of Kleenex
3 reams of white copy paper
1 set of wired headphones (please no Bluetooth)
Girls: 1 box of Ziploc sandwich bags
Boys: 1 box of Ziploc gallon bags
4th Grade
3 boxes of Kleenex
5 composition books
2 plastic pocket folders with brads
1 pack of student markers for coloring OR 1 pack of 12 colored pencils
1 pack of highlighters (pink, blue, green, yellow)
6 glue sticks
3 dozen #2 pencils sharpened (Ticonderoga brand preferred)
1 package of Expo dry erase markers
3 reams of white copy paper
1 pair of kid scissors
1 soft supply bag (for holding pencils, etc.)
1 set of headphones/earbuds (right angle plug suggested)
Boys: 1 ream of colored copy paper & 1 pack of gallon-sized Ziploc bags
Girls: 1 box sandwich-sized Ziploc bags & 1 package of post-it notes
5th Grade
3 composition books
4 plastic 2-pocket folders with brads ( 1 each: red, yellow, green, orange)
1 pack of wide-ruled notebook paper
2 boxes of #2 wooden Ticonderoga pencils
2 jumbo glue sticks
1 pack of colored pencils
1 pair of scissors (school appropriate)
4 highlighters (pink, yellow, blue, green)
1 pack of 4 Expo dry erase markers
1 pencil pouch
3 reams of white copy paper
1 set of headphones
2 boxes of Kleenex