• Cafeteria

  • Meal Program

    NuMenus is the approach to menu planning for the School Nutrition Program. The approach emphasizes the nutrient content of the meal rather than the number and type of foods offered. Meals will be analyzed regularly to assure that the nutritional needs of the students are being met by age group in the following areas: Total calories, Fat, Saturated Fat, Protein, Carbohydrates, Calcium, Vitamin A and C, and Iron.

  • Meals

    Student breakfasts are $1.75. Student lunches are $2.50. Adult lunches are $4.00. Families are encouraged to set up meal accounts for their student in MyPaymentsPlus. You can pay for your student’s lunch on MyPaymentsPlus using his/her student number. 

    Free or reduced price lunches will be provided for those students whose families meet Federal guidelines. If parents wish to apply for free or reduced price lunches, forms are available online on the GCPS website. Forms must be completed and resubmitted each year for approval and are available beginning in July for the next school year. For the 2024-2025 school year, the Department of Education is providing breakfast and lunch at no charge to students that qualify for free and reduced-price lunches. You must submit the form to qualify. As a reminder, Free and Reduced eligibility status will carry over for the first 30 school days. (Through 9/16/2024). You must complete a new form online within the first 30 days to qualify for the 2024-2025 school year. 

    Food/snack/drink deliveries are not allowed for students at school. Students must bring a lunchbox from home or enjoy the school lunch.

  • Parent Visitors for Lunch

    We do not have any parent visitors for breakfast. Parents may visit to eat lunch with their student Tuesday-Friday. (We do not have visitors on Mondays.)  Parents/Guardians visiting for lunch should say "good bye” to their student in the cafeteria so that the teacher can begin instructional time after lunch. You are welcome to bring a lunch with you or you may purchase a lunch from our cafeteria. Parents/Visitors who are eating lunch with their child, must be listed in Synergy as an approved contact and must sit at the specified visitor table with only their student. Students may not bring a friend with them to the parent/visitor table.

    Food/snack/drink deliveries are not allowed for students at school. Students must bring a lunchbox from home or enjoy the school lunch. 

    Please see the current month’s calendar for additional days that visitors are not able to come for lunch due to testing or other special events. We do our best to communicate these days in advance. Available menu items are subject to change based on current inventory and deliveries.

  • Meal Charge Procedure


    Elementary school students will be allowed to charge up to $11.25.  Charges are not allowed for supplemental or ala carte items.

    Once the charge limit has been met, the student may receive a designated alternate meal at no charge as defined by the School Nutrition Program.

    A charge notice will be completed for each occurrence and notification will be sent home to the parent/guardian through the student.  Additionally, once the charge limit has been met, the parent/guardian will be notified by the local school via phone call, letter, or email.

    A charge list will be provided to the Principal at the end of every month and upon request.

    Charging for meals will not be allowed after April 30th.

    The charge policy will be communicated to parents/students via student handbooks, SNP & local school websites, and letter.


    Charges are not allowed for supplemental or ala carte items.

    Adults at all levels will be allowed to charge a maximum of 1 day to their account.

    Charging for meals will not be allowed after April 30th.


    Refunds may be processed at the local school level up to $50.  Any refund over $50 shall be processed through the SNP Central Office by submitting a Refund Request Form available on the SNP website.

  • School Meal Modification Request

    Should your student need modifications to the USDA meal patterns due to medically necessary nutrition needs/accommodations, a School Meal Modification Request is available from the school cafe' manager.

    The School Meal Modification Request must be completed and signed by a state licensed medical professional who is authorized to write prescriptions.  The completed form should be returned to the school cafe' manager.

Meal Prices

  •   Student Breakfast

    Full Price $1.75
    Extra Entree $1.50
    Breakfast Side $0.75

    Student Lunch

    Full Price $2.50
    Extra Entree $2.25
    Milk $0.40

    A LA Carte*

    Chips $1.00
    Popcorn $1.00
    Rice Krispie Treat $1.00
    Fruit Snacks $1.00
    Cookie $1.00
    Bottled Water

    * Items are subject to change

    Adult Lunch

    Full Lunch
    Entree Only/Extra Entree $3.00
    9 oz. side $1.50
    5.5 oz side $0.75
    Tea $0.50
    Lemonade $0.50
    Bottled Water $1.50

  •  This institution is an equal opportunity provider.