• What is Title I?

Title I Pow Toon Video

PowToon Video Spanish

Title I Information





Parent Center Hours

  • Tuesday - Thursday

    Laura Lindsay

    Location: Family Engagement Center
    Room:1.121 Upon the entrance of the main building, the Parent Engagement Center is located in the main hallway across from the media center conference room
    Email: Laura.A.Lindsay@gcpsk12.org


    8:00 AM- 2:30 PM


Title I

    • Is one of the largest federal assistance programs for schools
    • As a Title I School, we receive funds from the federal government to provide additional resources to assist with the education of our students most at risk of not meeting state academic standards. 
    • Funds received are based upon the number of students in our school receiving free or reduced price lunch.
    • The Title I funds receive by our school are used to supplment the state and local allocated to our school. 
    • Funds are also used to support parents offering workshops and other opportunities to increase parental involvement in their child's education. 
  • "Parents have the right to request information about the degree and qualifications of their child's teacher(s) and paraprofessional(s), if applicable.  Please refer to the GCPS Student-Parent Handbook or contact your school's principal for more information." 
    Los padres tienen derecho a solicitar información sobre el título y las calificaciones del maestro(s) y paraprofessional(es) de su hijo, si corresponde.  Consulte el Manual para Padres y Estudiantes de GCPS o comuníquese con el Director de su escuela para obtener más información.