- Partee ES
- Enrollment
Registration Information
Welcome to Partee Elementary School, home of the Generals.
Welcome!Registration for the school year is OPEN!In order to register your student to attend Partee ES for the current school year, you will need to look below and select which category pertains to you. Registration is completed online using our Online Registration system and all documents are also uploaded using this system. When you have completed this process please contact Mrs. Bogguess at 678.344.4429 to discuss the final steps needed to register your child for the school year. Parents are responsible for presenting all required documentation at the time of registration.
Registration is by appointment only. Please contact Mrs. Bogguess at 678.344.4429
If you need to complete a withdrawal, please see the separate area below for an online withdrawal form and then contact Mrs. Bogguess.
We look forward to meeting our newest Generals!!
Registration, Enrollment, or Withdrawal
My Child Will Be a Kindergartner
To begin the process, please register your child online via the Gwinnett County Registration Portal. If you have a current GCPS Student and are adding a NEW KK student, you will go to the Parent Portal and open your account and ADD a NEW student.
Once online registration has been completed, gather the following documents:
- An official document showing proof of birth date
- Proof that you live in the attendance zone (Utility Bill, Mortage Statement, Lease Agreement, etc.)
- A valid certificate of immunization
- Evidence of Vision, Hearing, Dental, and Nutrition Screening (GA Form #3300-Rev, 2013)
- A Photo ID for the adult registering the child
- Proof of authorized person to enroll
- Child's social security number (or you may sign a waiver at the school)
Make an appointment with the Partee Elementary Regristrar to complete enrollment.
For more information click here: Kindergarten Registration
My Child Was Previously Registered at a Gwinnett County Public School
If your child was ever registered in any Gwinnett County Public School (even if there was a gap in attendance) you do not need to register again.
Contact the Partee Elementary Registrar to make an appointment and bring the following documents:
- An official document showing proof of birth date
- Proof that you live in the attendance zone (Utility Bill, Mortage Statement, Lease Agreement, etc.)
- A valid certificate of immunization
- Evidence of Vision, Hearing, Dental, and Nutrition Screening (GA Form #3300-Rev, 2013)
- A Photo ID for the adult registering the child
- Proof of authorized person to enroll
- Child's social security number (or you may sign a waiver at the school)
My Child Will Be Attending a GCPS School for the First Time
To begin the process, please register your child online via the Gwinnett County Registration Portal.
Once online registration has been completed, gather the following documents:
- An official document showing proof of birth date
- Proof that you live in the attendance zone (Utility Bill, Mortage Statement, Lease Agreement, etc.)
- A valid certificate of immunization
- Evidence of Vision, Hearing, Dental, and Nutrition Screening (GA Form #3300-Rev, 2013)
- A Photo ID for the adult registering the child
- Proof of authorized person to enroll
- Child's social security number (or you may sign a waiver at the school)
- Report cards or official school transcript (current K-12 student)
- Withdrawal form from previous school (current K-12 student)
Make an appointment with the Partee Elementary Regristrar to complete enrollment.
My Child Will No Longer Be Attending Partee Elementary
To withdraw your student, please make an appointment with the Partee Elementary Registrar and fill out this online withdrawal form.
Degrees and Certifications:
Ms. Sharese Bogguess
Please contact the Student Data Management Clerk (SDMC) for any questions regarding Registration, Enrollment, or Withdrawal.
Phone: (678) 344-4429
Fax: (678) 344-4430
Email:Sharese Bogguess
School Year Hours: 8:00 AM to 4:00 PM