Lilburn Elementary School
Committed to our BEST
- Lilburn ES
- Overview
Clubs & Activities
Kilometer Kids
Shut down your kid’s computer and have them lace up with Kilometer Kids! Fall registration for grades 3-5 is going on now for this FREE 10-week game-based running program. Register your child today and get them safely outside with fun games and activities. Incentives will motivate them to accomplish the goal of completing 26.2 miles total.
Learn more about the program here:
Register your child here.
Garden Club
The Les Mustang Chorus is a singing group for 4th and 5th Graders where we practice together once a week to learn songs consisting of one, two or three parts and then perform them on a concert here at the school. Besides singing we use instruments, movement, speaking, and acting to accompany and enhance our performances. For more information, please contact:
Girls on the Run
Girls on the Run is a running club for girls in upper grades (3rd - 5th) with a focus on emotional and social growth. For more information, please contact Chelsea Barry
Members are encouraged to share their input on the Run Schedule here. (Link will open later in the season)
Girls on the Run Atlanta Race Information
Readers Rally
Readers Rally is a Gwinnett County quiz-bowl competition designed to promote reading. Team members are asked to read from a list of 15 Rally books. At the competition they will answer questions about the books from the Readers Rally list. For more information, please contact:
Robotics Team & Club
Robotics Team
Our LES Robotics Team is a competitive group of students who participates in FLL (First Lego League). 4th and 5th-grade students can try out for the Robotics Team at the beginning of the school year, with practices and competitions taking place from September to February.
As a part of FLL, students research a problem, develop a real solution, build and program a robot, and practice presentation/public speaking skills.
Robotics Club
The Robotics Club consists of 4th and 5th-grade students who have an interest in robotics and programming. Students in the club may try out for the competitive Robotics Team on August 24th after completing the online application and receiving an official invitation. Practices will be held ever Tuesday and Wednesday from 4-5 PM.
- Keri Duncan
- Lena Davis
- Rebecca Beckman
- Jolie Mayo
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<a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Robotics Team/Club</a>