• Car Rider Information

    Graves Elementary 

    Our goal is for all Car Riders in the morning and the afternoon to arrive safelt and to be dismissed safely each day.  

    • Cars are to enter by the way of Osborne Drive.  Please follow the traffic flow of the car rider lanes.
    • Please Have Car Rider Tag visible every day. 

    Caution: Please use appropriate speed when driving in the parking lot.  


    • Time of Operation: 7:35am - 7:55am
    • Students are to exit through car door along the sidewalk
    • Once this entrance is closed, parents are to drive around to the front of the school building, come inside and check-in student(s). 


    • Time of Operation: 2:40pm-3:05pm
    • Parents can start lining up in the Car Rider lane beginning at 2:40pm
    • Students will be dismissed at 2:45pm
    • Parents are to stay in the car rider loop.
    • Please do NOT walk up to the door to get student(s).
    • Once entrance is closed, parents are to drive around to the front and come inside of the school building to pick-up student(s). 


    For your safety and others, please do not talk on the phone in the Car Rider line.  Thank you for your cooperation!