    Eva Annala
    Parent Liaison
    Family Center located in Front office
    Office hours: 8am - 4pm
    Office phone: 678-765-4924
    Email: Eva.Annala@gcpsk12.org
    Hablo Español
    Hello Duncan Creek Families,
    My name is Eva Annala, I am your Parent Liaison.  I am so delighted to work with you, our students, our families and the community.  Research has shown that students whose parents are involved in school have a better attendance and behavior, get better grades, demonstrate better social skills, and adapt better to school.  I assist parents to discover the importance of being an active team member of their child's educational team.  I aid in supporting our parents and families with relationships to maintain a mutual understanding from school to home. I have a passion for helping others, and contributing to our community.