• Registration

    Welcome to Chesney!

    For the 2024-2025 school year, registration for students that are new to GCPS must be done online.  See below for links to the GCPS registration website.  Once the online registration is complete, please contact the school at (678)542-2300 to schedule an appointment to bring in the necessary documents to complete the registration.  Registrations are by appointment only on Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays from 9-11.


    We look forward to meeting our new Champion!

  • Leaving Chesney?

    We wish your child the best during the transition to a new school. Our school system has an easy-to-use, secure online withdrawal process that will allow you to complete the form required for withdrawing your child. Once you complete and submit the online withdrawal form, you will be contacted by a school representative to verify your ID and to provide you with any additional information necessary to complete the withdrawal if needed for your child. *

    In order to complete the form and submit it, you will need to do the following steps: 

    • Click on the link below and download the form to your device
    • Open the downloaded form with an Adobe application
    • Fill out the form
    • Click on the submit button at the bottom of the form

    Elementary Withdrawal Form

  • 2024-2025 Online Registration

    To begin the process, please register your child online via the

     Gwinnett County Registration Portal

    Once online registration has been completed, gather the following documents:

    • An official document showing proof of birth date
    • Proof of authorized person - Photo ID of registering parent
    • Proof of residency - lease or mortgage statement, electricity or water bill (only)
    • A valid certificate of immunization (GA Form #3231)
    • Evidence of Vision, Hearing, Dental, and Nutrition Screening (GA Form #3300)
    • Previous School Records
    • Proof of authorized person to enroll
    • Residency Affidavit - required when a student is residing in a home or apartment of another individual (not the registering parents)
    • Child's Social Security number (or you may sign a waiver at the school)

    New This Year... Uploading Documents Online

    Much of the registration process, including the uploading of documents required for registration, will be completed online.

    • Most document attachments (PDF, JPG, DOC, PNG, etc.) are compatible. The file-size limit is 2 MB.

    Need help uploading documents? Click HERE for guidance!

  • My child will be a Kindergartner

    To begin the process, please register your child online via the Gwinnett County Registration Portal.

    If you currently or previously have a student enrolled in GCPS, please click the following button and log in with your parent portal account information. 

    Registering Parent or Guardian Not New to GCPS

    Once online registration has been completed, gather the following documents:

    • An official document showing proof of birth date
    • Proof of authorized person - Photo ID of registering parent
    • Proof of residency - lease or mortgage statement, electricity or water bill (only)
    • A valid certificate of immunization (GA Form #3231)
    • Evidence of Vision, Hearing, Dental, and Nutrition Screening (GA Form #3300)
    • Previous School Records
    • Proof of authorized person to enroll
    • Residency Affidavit - required when a student is residing in a home or apartment of another individual (not the registering parents)
    • Child's Social Security number (or you may sign a waiver at the school)

  • My child previously attended a GCPS school

    If your child was ever registered in any GCPS school (even if there was a gap in attendance), you do not need to register again.

    • An official document showing proof of birth date
    • Two (2) forms of proof that you live in the attendance zone (one must be a current water or electricity bill and the other one can be a mortgage statement, lease agreement, etc.)
    • A valid certificate of immunization (GA Form #3231)
    • Evidence of Vision, Hearing, Dental, and Nutrition Screening (GA Form #3300)
    • Photo ID for the adult registering the child
    • Proof of authorized person to enroll
    • Child's Social Security number (or you may sign a waiver at the school)
    • Report cards or official transcript from the previous school (current K-12 student)
    • Withdrawal form from the previous school (current K-12 student)

  • My child will be attending a GCPS school for the first time

    To begin the process, please register your child online via the Gwinnett County Registration Portal.

    Once online registration has been completed, gather the following documents:

    • An official document showing proof of birth date
    • Proof of authorized person - Photo ID of registering parent
    • Proof of residency - lease or mortgage statement, electricity or water bill (only)
    • A valid certificate of immunization (GA Form #3231)
    • Evidence of Vision, Hearing, Dental, and Nutrition Screening (GA Form #3300)
    • Previous School Records
    • Proof of authorized person to enroll
    • Residency Affidavit - required when a student is residing in a home or apartment of another individual (not the registering parents)
    • Child's Social Security number (or you may sign a waiver at the school)
    • Report cards or official transcript from the previous school (current K-12 student)
    • Withdrawal form from the previous school (current K-12 student)

  • My child will no longer be attending Chesney Elementary

    To withdraw your student, please contact the Front Office at (678) 542-2300. You will need to come in, provide a valid photo ID, and fill out a withdrawal form. You will be provided with a withdrawal packet for your child's new school.



Degrees and Certifications:

Ms. Dorina Chimilio

Please contact Ms. Chimilio with any questions regarding registration.

Phone: (678) 542-2300

Email: Dorina.Chimilio@gcpsk12.org

Hours: 9:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m.