• Meet the Staff

    Mrs. Jones standing in a garden Kim Jones
    Media Specialist

  • Mission & Vision

    Mission Statement:

    The mission of the Chesney Elementary Media Center is to provide a warm, welcoming, and safe environment for students, staff, families and community members. We strive to create a learning environment that fosters curiosity, creativity, and critical thinking. The Media Center focuses on empowering our students and shareholders to become 21st century learners, leaders, and life-long readers. 

    Vision Statement:

    Our vision is that the Chesney Elementary School Media Center will inspire innovation, collaboration, curiosity, and critical inquiry.


    To provide access to resources in multiple formats that support curriculum.

    Provide a flexible learning space that promotes:

    • Inquiry
    • Creativity
    • Collaboration
    • Community

    Provide a space for to students to be:

    • Creators
    • Thinkers
    • Collaborators
    • Communicators

    Have active learning spaces for reading, makerspace, group study, independent study, and research.

    Create partnerships within the school and outside of it.

    Encourage pleasure reading.

  • Policies

    How many books can I check out?

    Kindergarten and first grade students may check out one (1) book.

    Second grade through fifth grade students may check out two (2) books.

    When are books due back to the Media Center?

    Books are checked out for two weeks at a time. Students may return a book before that time if they finish reading it. Students may also renew or check the book out again if they have not finished.

    What happens if I lose or damage a book?

    Students who lose or damage a book beyond usefulness are charged a fee of $15 for hardcover books or $5 for paperback books. There are no fines for overdue books.

    Can students check out magazines?

    Students in third grade through fifth grade may check out magazines for one (1) day. All other students may read magazines while visiting the Media Center.

  • Hours

    The Media Center is open to students from 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. each day.

    During the week students may visit the Media Center with a pass from their teacher. Some teachers may choose to schedule weekly visits to the Media Center for their class.