Study Skills & Tutoring Resources

Intervention/Help from Teachers

All GSMST teachers offer weekly intervention/help hours. These hours are posted in classrooms, on syllabi, and on teacher websites. It is vitally important that students take advantage of this time to get extra help if they are struggling in their classes. We highly recommend that students seek help from their teachers whenever they are struggling with a particular concept or if they have a C or lower in the class. 


Outside Tutoring: GSMST does not recommend or endorse any tutor. These names are provided as a service. Parents and students are responsible for payments for services. Students may access the Tutoring List on the Counseling E-Class page.

Parent/Teacher Conferences

If a student is struggling in one or two classes, the counseling office recommends that parents first contact the teachers of these subjects.  Our teachers are often the best resource to help you understand the specific areas in which your student is having difficulties.  The counselors are available to sit in on these meetings if necessary.  If your student is struggling in many subject areas, counselors are available to collect feedback from teachers and facilitate meetings when necessary.

9th Grade Study Resources

10th Grade Study Resources