AP Courses Requiring Completion of a Summer Assignment (click on each class to be linked to the assignment details):
AP 2D Art & Design
AP 3D Art & Design
AP Calculus AB (2 parts)
Part 1 (complete before moving to part 2)
Part 2
AP Chemistry
AP Drawing
AP Human Geography
AP Physics 1
AP Physics 1 & 2 Combination*
*Please note: students in this class only need ONE lab notebook (not one for each course).
AP U.S. Government & Politics
AP U.S. History
AP World History
AP Courses NOT Requiring Completion of a Summer Assignment:
AP BC Calculus
AP Biology
AP Computer Science A
AP Computer Science Principles
AP Environmental Science
AP English Language
AP English Literature
AP Macro Economics
AP Physics C
AP Psychology
AP Research
AP Seminar
AP Statistics