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GCPS COVID Protocols and Procedures from the Division of Human Resources

As of September 18, 2023, the latest CDC guidelines for COVID remain the same.

Please reference the below COVID guidance as it relates to illness.
For Close Contacts
Quarantine is not required whether the exposure occurred at home or in the school/office as long as the individual remains asymptomatic. It is strongly recommended to wear a mask 10 full days from the last date of exposure and monitor for symptoms.
For Positive Cases
Isolate at home for 5 full days from the start of symptoms. Or, if there are no symptoms, isolate at home 5 full days from the test date.  Day 1 starts the day after the symptoms or the test date.
Absences from Work
The district no longer offers COVID leave. If an employee is absent, accrued leave must be used. 
Please direct your COVID-related questions to the On-call Nurse at 678-836-9446 or Kim Baumann, Lead County Nurse, at 678-301-7246.