• Broadcast & Announcements Club

    Broadcast & Announcements- Carol Bates
    Mission Statement: To allow students to anchor, manage and edit morning announcements.

    Description of Activities: Students use the broadcast equipment to record the morning announcements. Students are responsible for running sound and cameras as well as editing and archiving the announcements. 
    Meetings: To be announced. Located in the Media Center.

  • Chamber Orchestra

    Chamber ORCHESTRAAmanda McClellan    

    Mission Statement: It is the mission of Hull Middle School Chamber Orchestra to have students learn basic through intermediate techniques of playing string instruments as well as playing in an ensemble. We want to teach students to appreciate the value of quality music in society as well as develop qualities of leadership, citizenship, and pride in their performance ultimately resulting in an orchestra of young professionals.

    Description of Activities:  The Chamber Orchestra is 50 of the top musicians in the Hull orchestra based on auditions with independent adjudicators.  The ensemble performs two main concerts- one in December and one in May, plus several smaller performances throughout the year, and all the musicians represent Hull at a competition called Solo and Ensemble Festival.

    Meetings: Thursday mornings (Sept -May) from 8:00 until 9:00AM- Orchestra Room

  • Continental Math League

    It is a national problem solving competition that requires your child to complete timed, written tests.  There are six challenging word problems on each test. At the end of the competition, top scorers within our school will be recognized for their achievement with awards.

    Sponsor: Cody Nolan

  • Cubing Club

    Cubing Club  Amanda McClellan

    Mission:  In the Rubik's Cube Club, members work with the various forms of Rubik's cube to improve their hand-eye coordination as well as develop their spatial and mathematical reasoning. Members learn the algorithm to solve the Rubik's cube in a step-by-step progression; and as they practice, improve their solution time.  

    Description:  All students are welcome to join and learn the 3x3 cube and possibly other cube configurations in a friendly group setting. 

    Meetings: Every Friday starting Sept 10 throughout the year until May

    8-8:45am- Orchestra room

  • Drama Club

    Practice various techniques through games and activities.  We'll look at all aspects of the world of acting, both performers and behind-the-scenes.  Come have fun with us!

    Sponsor: Joe Herbert

  • Fiddle Club

    Fiddle Club: Amanda McClellan

    Mission: It is the mission of Fiddle Club to enrich students' world music knowledge and experience through practice and performance of traditional Irish, Scottish, and American fiddle music.

    Description: All instruments are welcome, even band instruments!!  Students learn music primarily by ear and play several performances at local elementary schools including international night performances and St. Patrick's Day celebrations.

    Meetings: Tuesdays

    8am-8:45- orchestra room

  • Girl Talk

    Girl Talk is a club where girls can talk, learn new skills, and prepare for the teen years. Girl Talk is led by high school girls who want to help middle school girls navigate middle school and be prepared for high school. This club will meet after school, every other week.

    Sponsor: Rosemary Aschoff

  • Jigsaw Puzzle Club

    Jigsaw Puzzle Club - Carol Bates

    Mission - The Jigsaw Puzzle Club meets once a week to give students a chance to work collaboratively while having fun and solving puzzles! Jigsaw puzzles provide an excellent way to de-stress while visiting with new friends. 

    Discription - Putting puzzles together. Applications available in the media center. 

    Meetings - Wednesdays at 8:00am in the Media Center. 

  • MathCounts

    HULL COMPETITION MATH TEAM (formerly MATH COUNTS) - Kimberly Renshaw

    Mission Statement: Hull Competition Math Team is a challenging math team competition program for students who have a talent and passion for math.

    Description of Activities: Tryouts are open for any student in grades 6 – 8. Team members practice once a week in preparation for available math tournaments. The MathCounts Chapter Competition is held in February and the State Competition is in March.

    Meetings: Once the team is selected, an organizational meeting will be held to determine the practice day that accommodates the majority of the team. These practice sessions will be posted on the main website, eCLASS, and the school calendar. Please contact Mrs. Renshaw for more information.

    Sponsor: Kimberly Renshaw

  • Pokemon Club

    Pokémon Club is a great way to build a community of play for Pokémon fans throughout your school community, encourage game play, bring in new players, and create a safe space.

    Sponsor: Josh Parrish

  • Robotics

    ROBOTICS- Tommy Malcom
    Mission Statement: The primary goal of HMS Robotics is to give students an introduction to robotics, programming, and current social and science issues in high quality educational, challenging, and team-oriented settings. In addition, HMS Robotics places an emphasis on fun, teamwork, leadership, and personal growth in the spirit of, ' Gracious Professionalism and Coopertition in everything we do.' - This is according to the First Lego League Core Values, which can be found at: www.firstlegoleague.org/mission/corevalues.

    Description of Activities: Hull Middle School offers a unique opportunity for students to learn about robotics, programming, teamwork, and Research Solutions/Inventions through the HMS Robotics Club. Students from all 3 grades, who maintain passing grades in all classes, are invited to apply to join this exciting competition team. Space is limited to 30 students for the competition teams, and 10 student helpers. Teams are selected based on fully completed and timely student applications in mid-September. It is important for the student to complete all sections of the applications neatly and completely and to be very thorough in answering each of the questions and parent signatures are also required. A participation fee of $60.00 will be requested AFTER joining. Additional tournament related fees of $15.00 will be requested.

    Our primary goal is to give students an introduction to robotics, programming, and current science issues in educational, fun, and challenging STEM settings. From the HMS Robotics Club, students will have the opportunity to become members of one of the four HMS Robotics Competition Teams. These four teams complete in regional and super regional tournaments on the 1st or 2nd Saturday of December and 1st or 2nd Saturday of January. Please consider your solid commitment to be available for these dates to be a requirement for applications to be accepted. A secondary goal is to promote team building, community involvement, and problem solving skills in a safe environment. Leadership and team skills will be developed in each student as a result of their involvement in this club. Students will be mentored by faculty members as well as parent volunteers. Also working with students will be a cadre of mentor-students from Gwinnett School of Math, Science, and Engineering and Peachtree Ridge Robotics teams. Other parent volunteers are truly needed and greatly appreciated.

    Meetings: Mondays 4:30-6:30 (PM).

    Permission Form

  • Running Club

    RUNNING CLUB-Tommy Malcom
    Mission Statement: Our mission is to prepare students for high school running, increase confidence, and increase awareness of the importance of physical fitness.

    Description of Activities:

    Hull's Running Club is for students in all grades who are interested in going long distances to build their endurance.  Meetings begin in the cafeteria during Fall and Spring seasons. Students must be able to run a mile without stopping in order to join the team.  We run 1-4 miles a day during scheduled afternoons from 4:30 until 5:30 pm.  On weekends, students are encouraged but not required to participate in various 5K road races throughout metro Atlanta.  For more information, please e-mail Mr. Malcom.

    Meetings: TBD

    Running Club Permission Running Club Permission Form Form

  • Science Fair

    Science Fair Meetings

    Have your agenda signed by your homeroom teacher to go to Mrs. Sammons' classroom on Hall A, anytime 8:45 - 9:15am. Let your homeroom teacher know that you are going in order to discuss the science fair. Mrs. Sammons will come up with a schedule; the goal is to have a check-in on a weekly or bi-weekly basis. You can also e-mail Mrs. Sammons on a weekly basis at carrie.sammons@gcpsk12.org
    Description: Prepare students in setting up and implementing their experiment or engineered design for the Hull MS Science Fair 01/2024. Research and brainstorm ideas, assist students in setting up engineered design or variables for a scientific experiment, Share how the building or experimenting is going, Receive qualifications for the science fair, Tips and practice for presenting projects.

  • Lions Heart Club

    Afterschool club that focuses on social and emotional learning (SEL). In this club students will be able to understand and manage various emotions, set and achieve positive goals, feel and show empathy for others, establish and maintain positive relationships, and make responsible decisions. This club will provide an environment for students to feel included and appreciated by peers/teachers.

    The 3rd Thursday of every month 4:30pm-5:30pm! First Meeting August 18th

    Sponsor: Danielle Penton

  • State School Superintendent Student Advisory Council

    State School Superintendent Richard Woods seeks 2019-20 Student Advisory Council

    MEDIA CONTACT: Meghan Frick, GaDOE Communications Office, mfrick@doe.k12.ga.us, 404-463-4246
    APPLICANT CONTACT: students@doe.k12.ga.us 
    -Follow GaDOE on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram at @GeorgiaDeptofEd 

    August 7, 2019 – State School Superintendent Richard Woods is seeking middle and high school students to serve on his 2019-20 Student Advisory Council. These students will meet with Superintendent Woods to discuss the impact of state policies in the classroom, along with other issues related to education, and will serve as the Superintendent’s ambassadors to their respective schools. Members will also engage in community service projects to benefit Georgia students and schools. 

    Applicants must be enrolled in a Georgia public middle or high school for the 2019-20 school year. 

    Middle school students will meet October 21, January 15, and March 24 with a joint community service day on May 5. High school students will meet October 22, January 16, and March 25 with a joint community service day on May 5. 

    “My Student Advisory Council is a key part of my decision-making as I lead Georgia’s K-12 public education system,” State School Superintendent Richard Woods said. “We make better policy choices when we’re connected with those we serve. I deeply value these students’ input and involvement.” 

    Application Instructions: 
    Click here to download the application.  
    Send applications by August 31, 2019 at 5 p.m. to students@doe.k12.ga.us. Late applications will not be accepted. 
    Selected students will be contacted via email. All students can visit gadoe.org/studentadvisory on September 16 to see whether they have been selected.

  • Student Council

    STUDENT COUNCIL- Ashley Hendricks

    Mission Statement: HMS Student Council is committed to inspire and empower by offering opportunities for students to grow and develop as leaders. As student leaders, members of Student Council focus on living our school's behavioral model: Respectful, Honorable, Responsible. Members of STUCO work together as liaisons between students, faculty and administration. Officers and members participate in and create civic and community service projects and the student leaders for Hull's Relay for Life team. 

    Description of Activities:
    1. STUCO is an extra-curricular activity offered to students in sixth through eighth grade.
    2. STUCO plans and carries out service projects that benefit Relay for Life.
    3. STUCO meets monthly to share ideas and concerns of the student body.
    4. STUCO officers and committees work together to implement initiatives to benefit Hull (ex. Hullabaloo, Teacher Appreciation), the community (civics initiatives) and Relay for Life.

    1. Any student, 6th-8th grade, may join STUCO. Members of STUCO may choose to run for a STUCO officer position. 

    Meetings: STUCO meets after school. Meeting dates are set by the members of STUCO and are subject to the needs of the initiatives & goals of the Council.