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Only NEW students should complete the registration process. RETURNING students will not register again.
Registration: Summer Hours
9:00 AM to 12:00 PM
June 10th through July 28th (Closed June 19th)
July 8 through July 23
July 29-ongoing
Registration Steps
2024-2025 Registration Steps
Parents or guardians of rising kindergartners—children who will be five years old on or before September 1, 2024.
Register your child for the 2024-25 school year in an easy, two-step process.
Completing the registration process will help us be ready to welcome your Kindergartner.
Much of the registration process, including the uploading of documents needed for registration, will be completed online. Most document attachments (PDF, JPG, DOC, PNG, etc.) are compatible. The file-size limit is 2 MB.
Step 1—Complete online registration on the GCPS website. (Go to www.gcpsk12.org and click on the New Student Enrollment button.)
Step 2—Schedule an appointment with your child’s new school to verify information, complete a kindergarten readiness profile, pick up materials to help prepare your child for school, and learn about exciting summer enrichment opportunities for your new kindergartner! Check the website of your child’s new school for more information. If you’re not sure which school your child will attend, go to Find My School on the district website.
You should begin online registration now, even if your child’s health records are not up to date. Be sure to complete your child’s health screening and immunizations with the Health Department or your physician before school starts on August 5, 2024.
Call 770-985-0244 to schedule a registration appointment. Before arriving for your appointment, please be sure you have uploaded the required documents.
Withdraw Process
Student Withdrawal Documents and Information
We wish your child the best during the transition to a new school.
- Our school system has an easy-to-use, secure online withdrawal process that will allow you to complete the form required for withdrawing your child. Once you complete and submit the online withdrawal form, you will be contacted by a school representative to verify your ID and to provide you with any additional information necessary to complete the withdrawal if needed for your child.
- You can also come to the school to complete the process in person.
*If using Internet Explorer (IE):
- After filling out the form: Click on the submit button at the bottom of the form.
*If using a browser other than Internet Explorer (IE), in order to complete the form and submit it, you will need to do the following steps:
· Click on the link below and download the form to your device
· Open the downloaded form with an Adobe application
· Fill out the form
Withdrawal Completion Process
Note: Parent initiates process via school website and submits withdrawal form.
School Tours
Pharr offers parents a tour of our fabulous school, by appointment, the first Wednesday of every month. If you are interested in scheduling a tour, please contact our Registrar, Lisa Jackson, at 770-985-0244. In order to preserve instructional time, please know that staff and students do not participate in school tours.

Phone: 770-736-2043
Degrees and Certifications: