Teen Mature Fiction and Non-Fiction Permission

  • Please mark to acknowledge your review and understanding of the Trickum Teen Mature Fiction and Non-Fiction Acknowledgement statement. To withhold your consent from your child checking out Teen Mature publications, you must notify your school principal in writing within
    10 days.

    Trickum Middle School actively collects materials that support the Gwinnett County AKS and the Common Core. With that in mind, we also select materials that support our diverse student population with a variety of reading interests, levels, and tastes. Our areas of collection include:

    • Upper Elementary (Grades 3-5)
    • Tween (Grades 6-8)
    • Teen Mature (Grades 8-10)

    Our teen mature fiction collection includes language, themes or controversial subjects such as human rights violations, issues related to sexuality, or other teen situations that are appropriate for the mature student or advanced reader who feels that he or she is ready for
    books that transition into high school libraries. The Media Center uses orange color dots to identify these books that are suitable for upper middle school and early high school readers. Our Media Center strongly encourages parents to talk with their child about this subject and
    agree on what you feel is appropriate as reading material. Please contact our Media Specialist if you have further questions about our teen mature fiction and nonfiction.