• Graduation Credit Requirements

    Current Grade Promotion Criteria:

    9th to 10th: earn a minimum of 5.0 credits
    10th to 11th: earn a minimum of 11.0 credits
    11th to 12th: earn a minimum of 17.0 credits

    *Earning the required number of credits toward promotion is not indicative of being on track for graduation. Please see your assigned counselor for more specific details on where you stand for graduation.


    GCPS Graduation Requirement Flyer

    Earning Credits Outside DHS

    Dacula HS offers multiple School Plus and Credit Recovery opportunities for our students. In addition, there are options for earning credits outside of what is offered at DHS. Through Gwinnett Online Campus, Georgia Virtual School, Phoenix High School, Summer School, and other options students can earn the credits needed towards graduation.

    See your counselor if you are interested in exploring any of these options.

    Credit Recovery

    DHS offers Credit Recovery sessions throughout the year for many different courses.  More information can also be found on the Community School page when registration windows are open.

    Need a tutor?

    Ingenify.org is a free virtual tutoring platform that provides tutoring to students in the Dacula area. Based out of Northview High School in Johns Creek, students can search for other high school tutors in a variety of subjects. Check out their flyer.

    Electives Course Descriptions

    Click here to view the Course Descriptions for Electives offered to 9th grade students!

    Click here to view the Course Descriptions for Electives offered to 10th-12th grade students.

    Parent Presentations

    Academic Planning Night will be January 23, 2024 from 6-7:30pm in the DHS Theater. The presentation schedule will be as follows:

    6:00 - 6:25 PM - Advanced Placement Meeting

    6:30 - 7:00 PM - Dual Enrollment Meeting

    7:00 - 7:30 PM - planning for senior year (current juniors only)


    Presentations and videos will be linked after the event.