GOC Scholarship and Events Page


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  • NROTC Scholarship


  • Abbott & Fenner Business Consultants are pleased to be able to continue with our scholarship program for the 18th year. We will be awarding up to $1,000 to the winner(s) each year. Scholarship Deadline: June 10, 2024 Application ProcessStudents will submit an essay on the topic that appears on the scholarship page of our website HERE.Full details are available on our site.


  • Do you know any college-bound students who've experienced homelessness? Help them apply to the SchoolHouse Connection Scholarship Program! The scholarship includes: a $2,500 Award, 1-on-1 Support from the SchoolHouse Connection team, 3 All-Expenses-Paid Trips, and more. Learn more and help your students apply at SchoolHouseConnection.org/Scholarship.

Excel Federal Credit Union Scholarship

  • Excel Federal Credit Union is dedicated to the future education of the youth in our community. And one way is through our graduating high school senior Scholarship program.

    Applications for Excel Federal Credit Union’s 2023 Scholarships are opening now for those students who will continue their education after high school into an accredited college in the Fall.

    The below QR code will take the student to our Scholarship Information Page where there will be detailed information and a link to apply for one of three $1000.00 scholarships for the 2023 school year.

    In addition, here is a link to the Scholarship information page  https://www.excelfcu.org/scholarship/

    QR Code


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Joe Abraham Memorial Scholarship

  • This is awarded in memory of Joe Abraham, who passed away at the young age of 19 due to fentanyl poisoning. The award will provide a $1,000 scholarship to one or more recipient with plans to attend a two- or four-year college, university, or accredited trade school. Eligible recipients can include high school seniors who have had issues with substance abuse and have turned their life around. Recipients can also be seniors who are currently in foster care due to a parent’s substance abuse issues, or students who have been adversely affected by their parent’s drug abuse issues.

    Requirements:   Submit a written essay on one of the following topics: Personal issues with substance abuse and how a path to success has been found, personal experience in foster care because of family substance abuse issues, and how a personal path to success has been found. or personal experience with a parent or sibling’s drug abuse issues and how a personal path to success has been found, and submit two letters of recommendation.